We’re almost a year into this tumultuous season: an international pandemic, lined with social upheaval and all-around uncertainty in our world. Though it’s a new year, the same tensions yet again rear their ugly heads. We carry our burdens into a new year, and for those who follow Christ, we wait.
We wait for the Creator to make all things new.
We persevere.
We remain steadfast.
We love unconditionally.
We make disciples as we go.
And we go with hope; hope that does not disappoint.
There are lessons that were learned anew during these past 10 months, and as we keep pressing forward, it’s helpful to not only recapture the things God taught us, but start to put them into practice. He’s slowed us down and given us a season to reflect on Him, trust in Him, and press into Him for answers when our hearts break over the injustices around us.
So let’s take this year to worship Him in slow, reflective, unconventional ways. Let’s give Him glory through our daily habits, words, and interactions. Let’s take time to honor Him in the way we live our lives, both online and in-person.
Each month, we’ll reflect on ways that, as students, we can live for Christ and worship Him in the midst of a chaotic world. We’ll digest the chaos together and bring it to the Lord and ask HIm to redeem what’s shattered. We’ll patiently come to His Word; over and over again if we have to; and shed tears of lament with those who mourn and cry shouts of joy with those who celebrate. We’ll proclaim, transparently, that we don’t have all the answers but we know and trust the One who does and yes, His love is big enough for all the souls in the world to have a Home. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and though our lives have moved onto the internet, we’re yet inviting our friends to a relationship with Him, to join His Church, and to answer His call to Holiness.
We worship this God. In an insane, unjust, tattered world, He is the Redeemer; the Hope; the only one worthy to be praised.
4445 Brookfield Corporate Drive Suite B
Chantilly, VA 20151
Federal EIN 54-1904627
Phone: (571) 393-1844
Email: info@edgeclub.org